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5 Hacks for a Morning Workout

fitness motivtation workout Mar 02, 2018

Getting a great workout done early in the morning can be so motivating. I personally feel like it makes my whole mindset shift for the day. Some of us aren’t exactly morning people, though. You may find it hard to get up and get your sweat on, so I thought I might share some great hacks to getting your butt out of bed and working out.


Move your alarm.

Some mornings it’s just too easy to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. We have all been there a time or two. One of the best way to ensure you get up with the alarm and don’t roll back over is to move your alarm. Instead of having it right next to your bed relocate it to somewhere on the other side of the room. This will force you to get up and moving if you want that terrible noise to stop.


Get some light.

The sooner you can expose yourself to natural light, the better. While this may not be as helpful for those long winter nights, at least in the summer you can wake up a bit easier. Exposing yourself to natural light as soon as you can after waking will tell your body to quit with the melation release and help you rise and shine. For those winter months you can always consider a light box.


Catch some zzz’s.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s true. If you want to wake up feeling refreshed you really need to get seven to nine hours of sleep. If you just don’t get to bed on time each night, consider creating a bedtime routine. At first it may not help, but with time your body will know what is expected after you complete the routine. You can also consider going to bed 10 minutes earlier each night until you are getting to sleep at the right time.


Drink water and eat something light.

As you sleep, your body is using up it’s water through sweat and breathing. This means when you wake up, you are already dehydrated. Have a nice glass of water to help bring your hydration levels back up. It’s also recommended that you have a light breakfast. Something around 100 calories is great. Make sure it’s something that is easy to digest. Even better if it’s something quick you can just grab.

 Once you are up and out of bed, you need to get the momentum going. Even while you drink your water and eat your light breakfast you should stay on your feet. Sitting down makes exercise too easy to put off.


Workout at home.

Hitting the gym may seem like a good idea since they have all that great equipment. If you are having motivation problems though, driving across town can seem like a hassle. Instead, finding a great workout you can do right from the comfort of your home can make things much easier. Besides that, it can save you money! I have some awesome suggestions for home workouts. Email me at [email protected] for more info!!

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