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5 Key Elements to Success

motivation May 30, 2017

Success is important to all of us. We want to be successful as individuals, in our daily roles (mother, wife, employee, friend), and in our singular goals. I have found that when I apply 5 key elements to my pursuit of success, I am more likely to find it. 

1. Pray. Everyday, no matter what, I pray for God's wisdom and guidance in my life. Pray can look different for everyone. For me, I like to write out my prayers...this helps me to focus and to have something to look back on. 

2. Plan. You won't make any strides in your pursuit of success without making a plan. You know that saying, "Fail to plan, plan to fail." It's true! Planning can be as detailed as a multi-color coded calendar (!) or a simple as a daily to-do list. I live by my to-do list!! Every week I have a "brain dump" and then make out my daily lists based on that big list. 

3. Be positive. Our mindset is everything!! Sometimes, especially on those days that you don't want to put in any effort toward your goals, you have to CHOOSE to have a good attitude and move forward. 

4. Be patient. Success takes time!! Making small, measurable goals to achieve one by one is the path to success. And this takes don't be discouraged if the final outcome of your pursuits doesn't happen right away. 

5. Be persistent. Patience and persistence go hand in hand in my book! When you are patient you are more able to be persistent. Because you will have to keep going, no matter what. Choose what you will accomplish and GO for IT!! 

Maybe you are seeking success in your job, or your parenting, or maybe it's your fitness and nutrition. Try applying these 5 elements and see if you reach your goal! 

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