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5 Signs You Might Have A Sugar Addiction

fitness nutrition Oct 23, 2017

Often when we are looking to lose weight or be healthier we promise to cut back on our sugar intake. I don’t think I need to tell you why you shouldn’t be eating lots of sugar, but many aren’t aware of the signs that they have been over indulging in the sweet stuff. Some signs you may be aware of but others are a bit more difficult to tell.


You lack motivation.

Do you find yourself just going through the motions, not feeling very motivated in general? You may wake up and find yourself reaching for your latte or a soda. This may get you going at first, but soon you find yourself dragging again and reaching for more. When you munch on sugary snacks, it causes glucose to spike and then later crash. The higher the sugar takes you then the lower you go when you come down. If you find that you are always tired except after eating or drinking something sugary, you may want to reevaluate your diet.


Mood swings.

Sugar doesn’t just cause a physical crash but also an emotional one. After sugar you may be flying high and feeling great, but when you come down so do your emotions. Sugar can cause you to feel depressed, anxious or lethargic. Some even socially withdraw, feel nervous or have feelings of impending doom.


Skin issues.

Sugar is known to cause inflammation. The largest organ on your body, your skin, is very sensitive to the effects of sugar. If you have eczema, rosacea, or even just an excess of oil, sugar could be to blame. Lots of breakouts or dry skin can be the result of too much sugar. Many who suffer from these conditions have seen improvement from cutting sugar out of their diet.


Stalled weight loss or weight gain.

When you eat sugar the extra glucose is stored by your body. It thinks that it should store the excess for a rainy day in the form of fat cells. This is usually around our organs and waistline. While this worked well back when we needed to hunt and gather food, it seems to work against us now that food is always available. With no lean times, our bodies never get a chance to use up what it has stored.


You always want more.

Constant hunger and sugar cravings show that you are eating too much sugar. Many find they are craving sugar or carbs on a daily basis. This is the start of a sugar addiction. When your body gets accustomed to the “sugar high” it will want more and more. It won’t matter if it’s in the form of a sugary drink, candy bar or carbs like pasta. The more you eat, the more you crave. It’s a vicious cycle that can be tough to get past but it can be done!


How to get past a sugar addiction:

 Most of getting past a sugar addiction will be sheer willpower, but there are a few things you can do in order to help you get through the rough patches. By eating regularly you can help keep your blood sugar stable. Any drop in blood sugar will cause you to crave the sweet stuff. Try to avoid carbs which won’t help the cravings. Carbohydrates are sugars as well, so it would be the same as feeding the addiction. Instead focus on protein, fruits and vegetables.

A sugar detox can be tough, but it’s a vital part of getting those cravings in check. Keep in mind that sugar can be found in foods you may not expect. Read labels and don’t consume anything with added sugar. Dried fruits are one such food you might not expect to find sugar. After some time you will find it much easier to resist.

When those cravings hit, fight them with water and veggies. While it’s not what your body is asking for, it can help you by at least putting something in your body. It’s an added bonus these are good for you!

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