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A Good Reminder

coaching fitness motivation Aug 08, 2017

"Your mind has to be there before your circumstances are."

I re-listened to a podcast recently after taking my son to the airport (something that always makes me super emotional) just trying to focus on all the positive, all the blessings and all the good that surrounds us.

I remember dreaming and just believing someday we could live a life where we had more freedom, time, the ability to choose when we worked and didn't, not having to ask permission to go to our son's events and to be able to travel when needed or just stay at home. Today I was again reminded on my drive home that every text, message, late night call, video, meeting, FB Group and team event has been worth the effort to now actually deal with life on our terms rather than someone else's.

The podcast I listened to was by Lewis Howes EPISODE #435 - "GET YOUR MIND ON BOARD". He has great podcasts and some are even 5 minutes! Listening and reading to something that can help us grow from the inside out has been a daily activity for around 8 years now and it's something that keeps us moving forward.

We are actively working our business and looking for new members for our Fit Life Family, but I do think it's important to take a minute to appreciate what God has done through this business...the people he has brought to us.

We have to believe it BEFORE we see it. This not only keeps up moving in the right direction, but it helps us when those who don't believe say words that show their lack of faith. Don't worry about them, focus  🙏🏽  pray about your desired situation and never stop.  👊🏽 🙋🏼 👊🏽

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