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Don't Lose Your Joy

motivation/inspiration Feb 21, 2017

We all do it. And, we all know we shouldn't do it. Comparison. 

It robs us of our joy. Sometimes we compare our bodies, our looks. Other times we compare what we do and don't our house is decorated, what car we drive, how we raise our kids. There are so many temptations to compare ourselves. 

But, you know what?? Comparison doesn't move you forward. It doesn't change your circumstances. Comparison keeps you standing still. And standing still doesn't get you any closer to your goals or to accepting yourself for who you are. 

So today, choose to see the positive things in who you are. Focus on your strengths and allow those strengths to move you toward whatever goal you have set. You will find that once you take everyone else out of the equation, you can live a more joyful, fulfilling life. 

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