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Get Up and Face the World

god motivation Dec 01, 2017

I recently did a video on Facebook about three things I do when I don’t want to get up and deal with the day. We all have those mornings when we wake up and are totally not motivated to get up and get things done. While I do still manage to get out of that rut and get things done, I thought this is something I really need to share in order to help others.


Let me share a little about myself first. I am a mom and a wife, so there is no end to the things I need to do for my family and for my business. My husband and I are blessed to work from home, but that also means that there is nobody there to wake us up and make us get out of bed. We have to do it on our own. While this can be great some days, a while back we were having some serious stuff happening that made it much harder. First my sister passed, then my husband's cancer came back, and then his mom passed. It was just one thing after another that really made each day tough to face.


There are three things that I have been doing that help me through situations like that. Those days when I would much rather roll over and go back to bed, rather than get up and face the world.


1.     Pray - These can be quick moments when you can take a few minutes to yourself and simply ask for help. I would shut myself in the bathroom when my kids were younger and speak with God about what I was feeling. Even if it was a quick “I don’t have it today, help me,” prayer. Just taking a little time out of my day to be alone and pray would help. The thing is, we all have emotions. Sometimes we just need to figure out what to do with them.

2.     Read something - I often choose to read passages from the Bible, others may read some sort of self-improvement books. It doesn’t matter what your book of choice is, as long as it gets you out of your own head. We need to step out of our comfort zone and really see things from a different perspective. This will help grow your mind in ways you may not even understand yet. By reading, you will be able to reevaluate some of the choices and mistakes you made. You may read something and think ah ha! I totally see this from a different perspective now!

3.     Be grateful - Take time each day and be grateful for the people or things in your life. Write those things down. Make a little journal out of it. If someone makes your day easier, or if you are just thankful to have them in your life, tell them! Take those two minutes and say, “You know, you really make my life better. I am so grateful to have you in my life.” By finding those things you are grateful for, it will redirect you from focusing on those things you are not so grateful for.

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