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encouragement faith fitness Jul 11, 2017

With God's love there will be fruit... JOY!!

I love this pic of my neighbor and I working out. As much as most people hate to workout, God has given both her and I a joy for it. Yes, I said joy!! You see, joy is not "happy". Happiness comes and goes like money or a full refrigerator. Joy, on the other hand, is deeply rooted and is a strange thing, kinda like the peace that passes all understanding. It may not make practical sense to have Joy in the midst of pain, hardships, need, sadness or even during a killer workout, but with HIS love, many things don't seem practical, but they are real, alive and constant. The joy I have is in the knowledge that no matter what, HE is there and no matter what I have Him to lean on and no matter what one day I will be with him. So how can anything really be that bad knowing nothing can take me from his hand. JOY!

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