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Joy in Struggle

Jun 20, 2016

There’s a lot about life that I don’t know but with all that I’ve been through I have learned how to weather a storm. When we’re going through hard times, we tend to focus on the bad and we can’t see the light.  God wants to teach us to have joy even in the midst of hard times.

When life is good, it’s easy to just coast along and not really think about things too much. When life get hard, though, it really gets to us. We worry, we wake up at night, we get upset and all we see is the bad. We focus on the storm.

We know from Scripture that God is with us, no matter what. In Psalm 121, God promises to preserve our souls.

We have the precious assurance of God’s presence in our lives. When we fully trust our lives being in God’s hands, instead of worrying about whatever our situations are, we begin to realize that we don’t need to worry about all the things that are bringing us down. He’s got it, He’s got us.

As hard as it is, I pray that we will all learn to be grateful in the midst of the storm because it allows us to focus on God and trust Him with our lives.




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