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Podcast Review

motivation podcast Nov 13, 2017

I was listening to a podcast recently, The 4 Mental Enemies of Success by Bob Helig, that really hit home for me. It spoke of these mental barriers we face when reaching for success. While the focus of the podcast was on being successful in business, I could see how these barriers were actually present in different areas.

 We all have dreams. Those things that we probably don’t really share with anyone else. It could be something more material, like a fancy car or a home in an upscale neighborhood. Some dream of leaving their job to do something they truly love. Maybe you want that fit and fabulous body. Yet we stay where we are and never achieve those goals because we are too comfortable in those things we already know. We stay where it’s safe. When things get hard, we return to that safe home base that we know so well. The thing is, if you want to see success, you are going to come up against these barriers. It’s not if you will see them, it’s a matter of when.


The first barrier we are going to talk about is rejection. This is usually when you tell someone about a dream and they tell you all the reasons you can’t have it. They are quick to point out your shortcomings and rain all over your parade. Here’s the thing though, they probably aren’t successful either. They haven’t achieved greatness and are sure you won’t either. Even if they have tried and failed, you don’t want to take their advice. Unless these people are living the life that you want, don’t listen to them. They have no idea what it takes to get to the place you want to be at, so how could they know what you should do? Find someone who has achieved what you want and talk to them or follow them on social media. Take their advice, not your negative “friends.”


People are going to lie to you. They are going to tell you one thing and then do another. It’s going to happen, so you may as well get used to the idea. It doesn’t mean they want to hurt you. Don’t take it personally when you find this happening to you. Just accept that it happened and move on. One example of this would be when your spouse says they will start eating right and working out with you. Next thing you know, they are skipping workouts and sneaking off to get fast food somewhere. They aren’t doing it to hurt you at all it’s just that they are comfortable and not ready to change.


This is a real dream killer. Apathy, if you aren’t familiar with the word, is when there is a real lack of concern. It’s when people are indifferent. You finally tell someone about your big dream and they aren’t excited, that’s a buzz kill. You have to remember, this isn’t their deal. It doesn’t affect them. Why are you seeking approval from people that just don’t care?


This is another word you may not be as familiar with. The definition is “the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.” This is when you give up because it gets too hard. You may do great at first but once you plateau, suddenly the interest isn’t there. This is a big one with those that are trying to lose weight. When we first start and have some significant weight to lose, it’s easy to stay motivated since the weight will come off. Once you hit that point that some real effort is involved, things change. Don’t do this! Power through and earn it. Don’t stand in your own way.

Keep these things in mind next time you set out to reach a goal of any sort. Anything is possible if you don’t give up.

You can listen to the full podcast episode HERE!!

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