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Progress Report

fitness health nutrition Jun 12, 2017

Oh my gosh, sharing pics like this is not easy. Today is Day 12 in the Ultimate Reset, and to be honest I've felt so much better these past days and the scale has revealed weight loss, but my pics just have not shown it...until today!

Isn't that funny how everyone's body takes it own time to show visible progress? Ok, so a few things, I have never stopped working out for the past 25 years. I have either taught, trained, presented or did my own workout at home and eaten  with the 80/20 rule most all the time.
(80% healthy, clean whole foods - 20% fun).

However, each year is different and with age, the things females go through in our 40s+, and the death of my sister, the passing of my husband's Mom, and Lee having to go back on serious cancer treatment, had me in a physical position I had not been in before and one I was having a REALLY hard time getting out of.

This program is not finished and I plan to see it through till the end. Before starting the Reset, I began a more serious food change with Chalene Johnson's #BetaDietTest first which helped me so much to get over my initial hump-- I lost 8 lbs, then began eating differently. I chose to start a more strict, 3 week plan with The Ultimate Reset. Me and 15 other women are supporting each other through this 21 day program and it has been amazing. I've been so encouraged by the perseverance of these women. They have stuck to the program and we are getting through the hard days together! 

After the Reset, I will move on to the second phase of the Diet Beta Test to continue knocking my body back to a more healthy place and see if I can make feeling this good a daily thing!

If you have hit a plateau or need a jump start in your health and fitness, I would love to talk with you and I'm totally here to help. Please feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] with JUMP START in the subject line and I will get back to you ASAP!!

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