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Reflections on Family

family motivation Dec 11, 2017

I recently posted this photo to my Instagram of my husband and two boys. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, I explained how this photo means the absolute world to me and represents so much more than just a picture of my family. For me, it was as if a magnifying glass was held up to my life in order to help me see the small details that are so easy to miss in our day to day lives. When we are always seeing someone, it’s not hard to take them for granted. It’s easy to miss how much children have grown until it’s suddenly staring you right in the face. Those cute little chubby cheeks on that toddler are suddenly gone and a handsome young man is before you instead.

 Life is funny that way. When our children are younger we are often looking toward the days when they are older and can do things on their own. When they babies we are ready for them to walk. After they learn to walk, we are ready for them to potty train. Once they are potty trained, we focus on something else in the future. Before you realize, they are in high school with other things to do then hang out with Mom. All those moments you couldn’t wait to have pass are memories you wish you could relive just one more time. Motherhood is such a blessing, it can bring so much joy and happiness! Yet on the same hand, it can tear your heart out just as quickly. Watching these incredible young men grow and become these amazing people is such a great and proud moment. On the flip side of that, I am reminded of the passage of time and how these moments are so incredibly fleeting. Someday they will have families of their own. While this is a wonderful thought, it also means they won’t need me like they do.

 The same can be said for our spouses. It’s easy to get frustrated with all the things they don’t do for us. The bad things in life are so much more obvious than those good things. It could be an illness or some sort of accident, but no matter how it can happen, they can be gone in a moment. Once they are you find that you are longing for those things that used to annoy you so much. It’s ironic that sometimes those small annoying habits, like leaving their socks laying around, can be exactly what you miss if they were gone.

 Take time to really pay attention to your family. Not everyone is blessed with those things you take for granted. Pausing, even if on occasion to really sit back and appreciate them in your life is so very important. Take pictures, spend time with them and slow down. Life is precious and our days aren’t promised to us. There is so much in this world to cherish, it’s important to be grateful for everything you are blessed with.

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