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Stewardship Tip

Jul 01, 2016


God calls us to be good stewards and being a good steward is taking care of and having balance in anything that God has entrusted us with. This includes our finances, our time, our sleep and our bodies.

When it comes to our bodies, I’ve invested over 25 years in fitness and nutrition as an instructor, a presenter and a fitness business owner, and that has shown me firsthand the importance of water, good nutrition and exercise.

While having a relationship with Christ is first, we must also take care of the one thing that makes decisions for us, dictates our moods, and is in charge of what we think and feel…and that is our brains! Believe it or not, what we eat directly affects how we think, how we reason, the care and the compassion we have when reaching someone else AND it can do the opposite and negatively affect our decisions and make us more irritable, hateful, or even make decisions that have bad consequences.

Today I want to share some of my best tips with you that not only helps me stay OFF the “emotional roller coaster,” but it actually helps me want to work out more, get up earlier, and keeps me away from eating unhealthy foods more than I used to.

And that tip is to DRINK MORE WATER!

I’m sure you’ve heard that water is important, but the goals I tell all of my clients is to try and get a gallon of water in a day. I know that sounds like a like but your body is made up of mostly water and water is also one of the most forgiving things we can drink. What I mean by that is, the more water we drink, the less toxins our bodies can hold and it makes it harder for you to gain weight. The more water we drink the better our brain and organs function and the less our bodies will hold on to excess calories, fat and pounds. In other words, water is your friend.


Above is a picture of how I try to get in a gallon of water a day.

Give this a shot! Yes, you’ll be in the bathroom more in the beginning but soon your body will level out and you’ll actually be thirsty for more water.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!






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